Hancurkan saja Harga Diriku, Anita!

Yah, aku suka dengan ramalan "anita prediction" karena dia selalu menghancurkan harga diriku!

lihat, ramalan sagitarius malam ini:

'Anita dear, someone at work wants to tap into those powers you have. Share some of your secrets of success, but always keep one or two for yourself. Don't be impatient on your romantic side, it'll come to you. You'll make someone close to you realize how passionate you can be. Your social life picks up soon.''

HA?! Oh G!

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Tanjung Duren, Jakarta, Indonesia
Kata Agama, Aku dari Tanah. Kata Otak, Aku sekumpulan sirkuit saraf. Kata huruf aku ANY. Kata Hati, Aku berjiwa, jiwa manusia, selayak-layaknya keberadaan manusia di muka bumi.