Tadaima Bloggie~…
Gomen na~ make you feel so lonely here (^.^)
Many Bussniesses that must be done in a full week!
I know...you have to be worried with me *laugh*
Don’t worry!
I spent my times with my georgous friends here!
They’re really kind to me,
That warmth!
Make me wake up from my dream during this time!
Why I want to catch something…that always try to run away from my hand
That’s so fool question!
I realize it! That….Many people around me! Wanna catch and hold my hand, smile to me and give me a warmth! People around me…
This Blindness….That is something hurt me so much!
But this Full Week….Ruin my mind *laugh*
In a full week, just a word “thanks” from my mouth to God When I pray.
In a full week, I wonder….the happiness comes.
In a full week, My heart, Happy Puffy Yummy Be!
Bermula dari hari senin, mulai menyiapkan untuk kegiatan padat dalam satu minggu, setelah berdebat masalah “wajah”…si mama bilang..”kamu seh malas banget bersihin muka, liat jadi begini kan, ke dokter saja!”…then I said..” can you see my room mom? A hundred thousand of papers, so how can I have a minute to think about my face! Look my body! Traditional treatment is the best! No Doctor No Chemical Rubbish!
Ternyata…Menggunakan pengobatan tradisional itu sangat membuang waktu dan tenaga (T_T)….terbesit di pikiran….”Kenapa wanita itu suka memusingkan diri?”
Jika Aku Membuang Semua Cermin Di Dunia Ini….Pasti Semua Wanita Bahagia Dengan Dirinya! *Crazy Mode On*
On Tuesday,
Happy Gathering With My Old Friends...Chit Chat!
Banyak topik yang kami bicarakan sehingga tak satu pun yang kuingat (-_-)
On Wednesday,
Happy Hunting a Special Gift For My Friend Winda~…Jung Ri and I prepare something for her birthday, oh no! the main idea is our special thanks for treat us well in Surabaya-chan (^.~)v Thanks A lot Dear,
On Thurday!
Happy Biking! All my lovely friends go shopping to Banjarmasin! That’s amazing day!
On Friday!
We cancelled all schedule because of the scary wind-rained!
On Saturday!
Yay! Happy Meal ^.^/….Winda-nuuna Birthday Party! I’m so skillfull eating kebab…then ice cream as a dessert…Yummy Dummy Happy~
Thanks for the meals~
On Sunday!
The last day with low energy….Join to Weekend Shopping Club with Family! Actually Shopping is not my favorite hobby but not for them (>,<)
Finally………Pijat is The Best Treatment To End This Full Week (+_+)….one of my favorite activity ^.^/