16 July 2009 |
My Hunny Bunny Pinky.... Itsudemo..... YAY ^.^/
My Truly Love, tetchan 0(^.^)0
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Hal lain lagi adalah, saat tetchan nulis dan ngepost pic di mini blognya
ini dia....

tetchan ga dandan lebih cakep *melting*
Ternyata hyde bahas di MC live suatu acara tentang evanglion yang baru-baru ini keluar juga...
So...Bisa disimpulkan memang mereka pergi nonton movie theater berdua wakakkakaa~ *wishful thinking*
Udah aku cek, blog ce menyebut bahwa dia ada nonton ma tetchan tapi itu tanggal 7 Juli, nah sedangkan tetchan nonton eva tanggal 2 Juli so.....kyaaaaaa...
Source>> si seiret di LJx bilang :
Okay, so I've "read" a couple of japanese blogs. And some states that hyde has mention EVA in his MC at his last live. And another blog says that hyde also mentioned EVA while doing the nicovideo interview.
My Truly Love, tetchan 0(^.^)0
- - -
Hal lain lagi adalah, saat tetchan nulis dan ngepost pic di mini blognya
ini dia....

I went to see Evangelion at the movie theatre! I rented out the whole place again~
It's awesome!
The movie is unbelievable, but I won't say anything in case some of you haven't seen it yet. And if you haven't seen 1.0 yet, it'll be on TV tomorrow.
tetchan ga dandan lebih cakep *melting*
Ternyata hyde bahas di MC live suatu acara tentang evanglion yang baru-baru ini keluar juga...
So...Bisa disimpulkan memang mereka pergi nonton movie theater berdua wakakkakaa~ *wishful thinking*
Udah aku cek, blog ce menyebut bahwa dia ada nonton ma tetchan tapi itu tanggal 7 Juli, nah sedangkan tetchan nonton eva tanggal 2 Juli so.....kyaaaaaa...
Source>> si seiret di LJx bilang :
Okay, so I've "read" a couple of japanese blogs. And some states that hyde has mention EVA in his MC at his last live. And another blog says that hyde also mentioned EVA while doing the nicovideo interview.
2 komentar:
gayanya tetchan foto buat blog...cute!!!!....yg begini ini yang ditunggu2 hehehehe...masa' selalu foto super kaku ala majalah terus hehehehe.....
hmmm...nonton eva nya bareng taka kaleeee
*gorok nade*
Komen pertama aku setuju BGT!
tapi yang kedua.... NO WAY >,<;;;
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