^Lonely Girl^

When I’m thinking about You!

If all people always want you to stand beside them,

If you cry, there’s no hand to wipe away your tears

If you cold, there’s no warmth

If you tired, there’s no shoulder to lean on

If the dark arrives, there’s no rainbow comes

You must struggle with yourself alone

Don’t know how limit your energy, how long your time, how far your way till you find the end of the story.

“No one can’t stand alone, no one can’t live alone, but there’s a one who still can’t feel the meaning of relationship

If people just care about their self

Maybe “love” for me just nothing

We always wanna people understand ourself

We always wanna people need us

We always wanna get love from them


Life is about caring, loving, giving, understanding

Life is about a dream, making nothing becomes something

Life is about us not just about you

Just do small thing sincerely, It can make human welfare

I fall to dark hole alone, without a light, I become blind and deaf of everthing around me

And I see him

He comes with his beautiful shine

I’m in love

I’m crazy in love

It’s about being of love

When you love someone,

but You can’t tell your love to him,

it’s just a love, love without extension.

But, someday…

He said that he finds his life, his cheerful, his joyful, his love

He becomes so far from your eyes

You can’t reach him forever after

One day…

You see him

You know that he has change

He’s not a man who makes you crazy in love

When he smiles, you sad

When he laughs, you cry

When he moves, you hurt

When he speaks, you disguist

Is he an angle?


He is a devil man with angel’s wings

Sacrifice in Love makes nothing for me when it just a love, However a love without extension.

Love should makes you strong

When he smiles, you laugh

When he cries, You give your warmth

When he Moves, You hug him tightly

When he speaks, you happy

When he falls down, You raise him up

When he confused, you become his shine

You can answer “what is Love?” when you know the answer of “what the different between an angel and a devil man with his angel’s wings”?

That’s why I always feel alone, maybe for some reasons “lonely girl” in that story is me. I always feel alone although there're a thousand people around me, I don't know why?

4 komentar:

  1. Zadok Elia said...:

    Kata-katamu hampir sama dgn kata-kata tmnku di blognya.

    Ini tentang Tetsu, ya? Orang homo kok diharap...

    *duagh...terkapar di tengah jalan.

  1. A.N.Y said...:

    *CtaaaaaaaaR *

    Haduh-haduh-haduh mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

    Demi Tuhan, Tetsu itu normal zadok! Apany yang homo??????? Ga ada atuh, PURE LAKI 100% Udah nikah, tapi Cuma blom punya anak aja

    Nita ya nita, tetsu ya tetsu, lagipula mencintai tetsu hahahaaaaa~~ mimpi kali ya jelaslah ga mungkin atuh,

    Emang nita batu yang ga punya hati, yang ga punya rasa “itu” selama 19 tahun hidup, ada kali mas, nita ini manusia lo, manusia bumi, bukan manusia dari venus, punya hati dan punya rasa……*remukin besi*

    Bila nita nulis tentang tetsu, si heri bilang ”duh, kok tetsu mulu seh, bosan!”
    Lalu nita post yang lain bukan tetsu, si adi bilang ”tumben nita, ga ngepost si tetsu!”
    Nah sekarang posting tentang diri sendiri, si zadok bilang ”kok ngarep orang homo!

    *Gubrak, tenggelam dalam black hole*

    Haduh-haduh-haduh.....ne sebenarnya blog siapa seh, yang nulis blog yang salah ato yang ditulis yang salah, rasa-rasanya nita ga ada nulis tetsu itu homo loh,

    Rasanya nita ga punya muka lagi ke dunia nyata!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…*tetsu jadi stressor bagiku >,<;;;;

    itu tulisan pure tetangku di dunia nyata bukan khayal ^*^

    btw, nita udah liat blognya ^0^
    walopun sama-sama merasa sepi tapi tetap saja kesepian kami berbeda hehehee...^0^
    jadi ingat teori erikson, umur sebelum 20 ini kan memang "masih mencari identitas" hehehehe ^0^
    salam saja buat sahabatmu, tapi itu sahabat apa sahabat hahahaaaaa~~
    *kadang hidup memang pantas dibawa lebih santai ^^*

  1. Heri said...:

    sebenernya sih terserah mau nulis apa tapi kan, rasanya ku nggak ngomong gitu deh. atau ingatanku yang kacau? Tapi... ada apa nih koq mendadak lonely girl, ada love-nya pula lagi kenapa sih kesepian, butuh kehangatan? beli penghangat sana tapi di Indonesia kayaknya jarang tuh hehehe ^^

  1. A.N.Y said...:

    haih_berarti otak heri yang kacau wakakaaaaaa~~

    ga kok, udah biasa atuh hahahahaaaa~~

    ga tau ya kok bisa tiba-tiba nulis gitu "siklus wanita" kali gufufufuufu


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Tanjung Duren, Jakarta, Indonesia
Kata Agama, Aku dari Tanah. Kata Otak, Aku sekumpulan sirkuit saraf. Kata huruf aku ANY. Kata Hati, Aku berjiwa, jiwa manusia, selayak-layaknya keberadaan manusia di muka bumi.